

These are some of my favorite versions that I’ve used and studied with in the past or currently do so. Many of them have multiple versions, such as KJV or NIV, to choose from.


All of these books I have personally read and would recommend for deepening your relationship with Christ and growing – there might be some ideas here and there that I don’t agree with but overall the books are good resources. But a word of caution: when studying a particular subject always go to the Bible and ask God first and then go to books and other sources.
Also, don’t write off the below books if you know their authors and have something you don’t agree with in their lives or ministries. Finally, the fact that I endorse these books as providing sound teaching does NOT mean that I agree 100% with everything that the books’ authors do or teach. As always, use your own discernment and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


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